January 10, 2012

Dr. Anuj Chandra Co-Authors First Case Report of Ocular Myasthenia Improving with CPAP Therapy

Dr. Anuj Chandra and several of his colleagues -- including Saira Naseer, MD, Victor O. Kolade, MD, FACP, Sarim Idrees, MD and Sidra Naseer, BBA -- have described the first case of Ocular Myasthenia which improved with use of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy. An article about their observation has been accepted for publication in the July 2012 issue of Tennessee Medicine, the journal of the Tennessee Medical Association.

Myasthenia Gravis is a condition in which an autoimmune reaction disrupts the body's normal communication between nerves and muscles, resulting in muscle weakness and even paralysis. Eye muscles are often affected along with other muscles. The eyes may be the only muscles affected, which is a condition called Ocular Myasthenia.

Dr. Anuj Chandra Trains Indian Physicians at National Sleep Medicine Course

Dr. Anuj Chandra, a Chattanooga sleep specialist who has been a leader in bringing cutting edge sleep medicine to India, again served as faculty this year at the Sixth Annual Sleep Medicine Course, which was held Dec. 10-11 in Mumbai, India. About 200 internists and family physicians, specialists, residents and sleep technicians from across India attended this year, more than double the attendance at last year's course. In addition, two of the most famous researchers in sleep medicine served as keynote speakers, and sponsorship from American device makers increased significantly.